Logo Apnyl
  • Apnyl SAS
  • ZA Pierre Fondelle
  • 01580 Izernore
  • France

04 74 49 14 00


Quality – Environment

Nothing is left to chance

Strict quality control

Three-dimensional control at each stage of project development: initial, followed by shipments and production samples.

An integrated metrology service

  • Reactivity in the presentation of the first samples
  • MITUTOYO surface measuring machine
  • 3D vision measuring Machine
  • Traction machine
  • Small conventional equipment to ensure compliance of the products in development and manufacturing phase


Certified ISO 9001 since more than 20 years, APNYL has always sought the performance and responsiveness of its organizations.

Pioneers in quality, adherence and commitment of the staff helps perpetuate the confidence of our customers.

Certification UL94 Apnyl

UL 94 is the standard for testing flammability and safety to the fire of the plastics used in various equipment and applications. (Click on the logo to access the site)



Certification ISO 9001 - Apnyl

ISO 9001:2015

Certification ISO 14001 - Apnyl

ISO 14001:2015

Certification ISO 14001 - Apnyl

UL 94

Certification GPI - Apnyl


Click a certificate to download

Icône environnement Apnyl

The environment, a sustainable commitment

  • Selective treatment of waste
  • Air emissions management
  • Treatment of sound pollution
  • Compaction of the cartons